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How Do Prevailing Wage Pension Plans Help Businesses?

How Do Prevailing Wage Pension Plans Help Businesses?

When establishing a 401(k) plan a business owner has a variety of employer contribution options that he or she may choose to make to the plan. These options range from no contribution to funding the maximum contribution for all employees. Whichever option the business owner chooses to go with can have a significant impact on the business’s profitability. Back in 2018 failure to adhere to prevailing wage guidelines set into play cost companies $304 million in back wages. Companies must pay 100% of the locally prevailing wage rate or suffer a major penalty. However, when enacting a prevailing wage pension plan, you may choose to pay the base rate to employees while contributing the fringe rate into a pension play. Doing this saves the amount you would have spent in payroll taxes, while simultaneously helping employees secure a comfortable state-of living for themselves upon retirement.

How to Make Davis-Bacon Plans Work For You

The Davis-Bacon Pension Plans are not one-size-fits-all. Business owners can customize a plan to best suit their business needs. Professionals at Davis-Bacon can help you determine which plan will work best for your company, as well as calculate how much this plan will save you in the long haul. 

Low-Risk, High-Pay Off Solution

Going with a prevailing wage pension plan is oftentimes the most low-risk solution for a company. When businesses pay 100% of the prevailing wage upfront, they are now forced to make riskier moves to try and garner bids. This in turn drives up other costs businesses must pay such as payroll taxes, labor, and liability insurance. It becomes a conundrum because when businesses bid more jobs are lost, but when they bid less they are losing out on profitability. The Davis-Bacon prevailing wage pension plans make it so that everyone is happy and secure in his or her role.

If you want your business to prevail above the rest, it’s time to contact our team at Davis-Bacon Pension Plans, Inc. We’ve helped countless business owners generate maximum profit at the lowest cost to employees and to their bottom line. Contact our office today for more information (425) 889-8855.

Using a Davis Bacon Pension Plan in a COVID-19 World

Using a Davis Bacon Pension Plan in a COVID-19 World

COVID-19 has caused economic pain for businesses throughout the United States. If you own or operate a company, you understand the challenges you’re facing to remain viable. If you’re hoping to find a solid way to survive COVID-19’s impact on the world, it’s time to consider methods for reducing your costs and improving efficiency.

Businesses that bid for government contracts must pay the prevailing wage to employees. This can increase the cost of labor for business owners seeking government work. Fortunately, using a Davis Bacon pension plan can reduce the cost of bidding on government jobs.

Increasing Competitiveness in a COVID-19 Economy

While reducing costs in a pandemic might seem impossible, using a Davis Bacon pension plan can help you access lower upfront wage costs. By using a specially-designed pension plan, you can reduce the initial wage you pay to your staff members by placing it in an arranged pension. In doing so, you can save money on your payroll taxes.

Your staff will still receive the prevailing wage via their pension plans, and you’ll be able to slim down your overall expenses. It’s an excellent way to remain competitive in a COVID-19 world. While you might not be able to reduce other business expenses, don’t leave your costs stagnant by paying the prevailing wage upfront.

Make Your Bid Attractive for Government Contracts

As government contract bids become increasingly competitive, it’s more important than ever to offer the most attractive bid possible to the government. If you want to remain a step ahead of your competitors in COVID-19, a Davis Bacon pension plan is a clear solution.

Contact Us to Discuss Davis Bacon Pensions Plans

Our team at Davis-Bacon Pension Plans, Inc. offers Davis Bacon pension plans to business owners. If you’re searching for new ways to improve your business in a COVID-19 world, it’s time to contact our office at (425) 889-8855.

Can Davis Bacon Pension Plans Help My Business Win More Contracts?

Can Davis Bacon Pension Plans Help My Business Win More Contracts?

If you run a business that relies on revenue from government contracts, you understand that federal regulations often impact your ability to generate profit. The government requires companies bidding on federal contracts to provide a ‘prevailing wage’ to their staff members. This means that businesses bidding on government contracts typically have higher operational costs than other businesses in similar industries.

Fortunately, Davis Bacon pension plans allow you to reduce your overall wage burden. In doing so, they can help you win more government contracts for your business. Let’s find out how!

How Davis Bacon Pension Plans Help You Lower Costs

Davis Bacon pension plans allow you to offset the amount you pay to staff by placing it into a pension plan program. In doing so, you can reduce the upfront wage you pay to staff and decrease the amount of payroll tax that your company is liable for. This means that you can shave serious money off your overall payroll tax bill each year.

Additionally, companies that have Davis Bacon pension plans can also take advantage of lower general liability premiums. This is yet another way that this type of pension plan program can help you reduce expenditure.

Lower Costs Mean More Competitive Bids

Depending on how your business is structured, wages are likely one of your highest costs. If you’re able to reduce the cost of employing your staff, you can offer more competitive bids than other companies seeking government contracts. Davis Bacon pensions plans make your business leaner, which is an excellent way to provide bids at lower prices.

Make Yourself More Competitive Today!

If you want to make your business more competitive, it’s time to contact our team at Davis-Bacon Pension Plans, Inc. We’ve helped countless business owners reduce their costs and win additional contracts. If you’re searching for a way to generate more revenue with government contracts, contact our office at (425) 889-8855.

Davis Bacon Pension Plans: Helping Your Business and Your Staff

Davis Bacon Pension Plans: Helping Your Business and Your Staff

If you’re a business owner that frequently bids on government contracts, you’re likely aware of the prevailing wage regulations. Businesses that bid on government contracts must pay a prevailing wage to their employees, which can drastically increase the cost of staff for many businesses. Fortunately, Davis Bacon pension plans allow business owners to reduce costs and offer benefits to their employees.

Davis Bacon Pension Plans Benefit Both Parties

The primary reason many business owners access Davis Bacon pension plans is that they reduce overall payroll tax and general liability costs. This means that while government contracts require your business to increase wages to your staff, you can offset some of this cost by placing wages into a pension plan and reducing your payroll tax.

This type of pension plan is an excellent way to reduce the financial burden associated with federal regulations on bidding for government contracts. By reducing your costs, you’ll be more competitive during the bidding process, and your business will be better positioned to profit from the contract.

Still, it’s not just your business that will benefit from a prevailing wage pension plan – your staff will also be able to take advantage of various aspects of this type of pension program. Employees will be able to reduce their FICA or income tax burden. They’ll also be able to take advantage of tax-deferred earnings.

Ready to Find the Perfect Davis Bacon Pension Plan?

If you’re a business owner that bids on government contracts, it’s critical to partner with a reliable Davis Bacon pension plan provider. At Davis-Bacon Pension Plans, Inc., our primary goal is to provide excellent pension plan options to our commercial customers. If you’d like to discuss our pension plans, or you need more information about how they can save your business money, don’t hesitate to contact us at (425) 889-8855.

Why Classifying Workers Correctly is Critical on Davis Bacon Projects

Why Classifying Workers Correctly is Critical on Davis Bacon Projects

If you secure a federally-funded construction contract, you’ll need to pay your workers the prevailing wage. The exact prevailing wage varies depending on skill level, role, and a host of other factors. It’s critical to classify your workers correctly if you want to avoid severe financial implications.

Many business owners ignore the severity of incorrect classifications. One of the most common examples of this is an employer labeling a skilled worker as an unskilled laborer. In doing so, they can often pay their employees a lower rate.

In some cases, this may be a mistake. If you have a skilled laborer working as both an unskilled laborer and tradesperson, you need to pay them according to the hours worked in each role. You must allocate the correct number of hours to each job type – you cannot simply pay them the lower wage because they fill multiple roles within your company.

You must also realize that misclassification does much more than violating the Davis-Bacon Act. It may also violate the False Claims Act.

Not abiding by correct classifications can have dire consequences. In fact, some business owners have been sued because of the misclassification of staff. The financial repercussions resulting from a lawsuit are much more significant than the savings from paying staff a lower wage.

While paying the prevailing wage can be difficult for businesses with small margins, there are avenues you can take to reduce your financial exposure. By using a Davis Bacon Pension Plan, you can offset some costs associated with higher wages.

At Davis-Bacon, we help our clients access industry-leading Davis Bacon Pension Plans. If you’re hoping to improve your business’s cash flow when you’re working on government contracts, our arrangements will help you reduce your payroll tax liabilities. Contact our team at (425) 889-8855 if you have any questions about this unique pension plan.

Three Davis Bacon Pension Plan Facts to Keep in Mind

Three Davis Bacon Pension Plan Facts to Keep in Mind

If you’re a construction business owner, you’re already aware that you must pay the prevailing wage to laborers involved in federal contracts. This hurdle often proves to be a significant stumbling block for businesses that are not equipped to pay higher wages.

Fortunately, using a Davis Bacon Pension Plan can help you offset some of this cost. In this article, we’ll take a look at three facts regarding Davis Bacon Pension Plans – keep these in mind if you’re planning on incorporating this type of pension plan into your business.

1. It Can Save Your Business Serious Money


First things first – a Davis Bacon Pension Plan can help your business save serious money. By offsetting your payroll tax liabilities, you’ll be able to reduce the financial burden of complying with prevailing wage regulations. It’s one of the best ways to reduce your exposure to the Davis Bacon Act.

2. Misclassification Can Result in Punitive Damage


If you’re working on a Davis Bacon project and you misclassify a worker, it can result in severe issues for your business.

While some business owners cut corners on purpose, others make the mistake of not appropriating hours correctly.

For example, if you have an electrician that also works as a laborer, you must pay them the correct prevailing wage for hours that they work in each role. You cannot merely pay them the lower laborer wage for all working hours.

3. Software Can Help


If you’re struggling to manage a Davis Bacon project, using software to help you track staff hours and prevailing wages is critical. By accessing specialized software, you can ensure that you’re following the Davis Bacon Act. In essence, this is essential for business owners that want to take advantage of a Davis Bacon Pension Plan.

Fortunately, there are plenty of excellent software programs available that can help you remain compliant. This is the best way to take the stress out of your next federal contract.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Options


If you’re working on federal contracts that require you to pay the prevailing wage, it’s essential to reduce your costs as much as possible. If you can’t lower your labor costs, you won’t be able to offer competitive bids on contracts. Fortunately, a Davis Bacon Pension Plan can help you avoid the financial repercussions of the Davis Bacon Act.

At Davis-Bacon, we help our clients use pension plans to increase their profitability. If you’d like to discuss our services, contact us at (425) 889-8855.