Distinguishing DBA and DBRA
Are you having trouble distinguishing between the Davis Bacon Act and Davis Bacon Related Acts?
Davis-Bacon Act (DBA)
This umbrella act requires “payment of locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits to laborers and mechanics.” It applies to construction “contracts that exceed the amount of $2,000 to which the U.S. or District of Columbia is a party” and requires compliance for any laborers or mechanics (even those of a subcontractor) on the actual work site.
Davis-Bacon-Related Acts (DBRA)
This includes approximately 60 acts that refer to or rely upon Davis-Bacon regulations. They extend the DBA coverage to projects that are funded by federal grants, loans, loan guarantees and insurance, including such things as low-income housing funded by HUD and road/bridge construction funded by the Federal Highway Administration. Additionally, they may cover projects that provide a lease contract to a federal entity such as the United States Post Office.
Examples of Projects that Would Fall Under Both the DBA and DBRA:
- Examples of DBA Projects
- VA hospital
- Federal office building (GSA)
- Military base housing (DOD)
- National Park road (Dept. of Interior)
- Examples of DBRA Projects
- HUD – assisted housing construction project
- EPA – assisted water treatment plant construction project
Since 1988, DavisBacon.org has been giving open-shop contractors a competitive edge when bidding on Davis-Bacon, Prevailing Wage or Service Contract jobs.
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