
Are Truck Drivers Covered Under the Davis Bacon Related Acts?

Are Truck Drivers Covered Under the Davis Bacon Related Acts?

Are you wondering about when truck drivers are or are not covered by the Davis Bacon Related Acts (DBRA)? If so, read on for precise circumstances when the DBRA covers truck drivers and when the DBRA does not.

When They’re Covered

Following are the circumstances that truck drivers are covered under the DBRA:

  • Drivers of a contractor or subcontractor for time spent working on the site of the work
  • Drivers of a contractor or subcontractor for time spend loading and/or unloading materials and supplies on the site of the work, if the time is not de minimis
  • Truck drivers driving loads of materials or supplies between a facility that is considered part of the site of the work and the actual construction site
  • Truck drivers taking part of the building or work being done between a site established especially for the performance of the contract or project where a major part of said building or work is constructed and the physical place or places where the building or work called for in the contract or contracts will stay.

When They’re Not:

Following are the circumstances that truck drivers are not covered under the DBRA:

  • Material delivery truck drivers while off the actual site of work
  • Drivers of a contractor or subcontractor traveling between a Davis-Bacon job and a commercial supply facility while they are off the site of the work
  • Truck drivers whose time spent on the site of the work is de minimis. An example would be the driver is only there a few minutes at a time merely to pick up or drop off materials and/or supplies.

For more on the DBRA, see davisbacon.org. There you will find all the help you need regarding all things Davis Bacon.